Concentrated solutions for hemodialysis are non-sterile aqueous hydroelectrical solutions with a composition close to normal human serum, containing the main serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, bicarbonate, glucose) in certain concentrations such that the artificial kidney is able to partially replace normal human kidney functions to maintain the hydroelectrolitic and acid-base balance.
The standard composition of the solution produced by Terumedical SRL enroll in the international standards used for the treatment of patients for chronic hemodialysis.
The concentrated solution for industrial hemodialysis has the advantage of allowing concentration adjustments according to the particular needs of the treated patient.
The personalization of the solution and therapy is more important in the treatment of episodes of aggravation of chronic renal failure, but especially in the treatment of acute renal insufficiency of various etiologies, where the diversity of electrolytic and acid-base disorders is much wider than in a chronic stable renal insufficiency.
Since Terumedical SRL is a company with great versatility, we have the possibility to quickly adapt to the needs of the users through the preparation of the solutions used for the hemodialysis treatment, depending on the biochemical characteristics of the patients: ionic composition, global osmolar changes, and water status modification.
Using custom concentrate leads to a positive, faster result, improving the chances of restoring ionic and acid-base homeostasis
Prescription of dialysis fluid, based on patient analyzes, makes the switch from a standard dialysis solution to the individualization of the electrolyte composition, providing patient dialysis with optimal blood purification coupled with a high tolerability.